
Caraca,Joao, Bengt-Ake Lundvall, Sandro Mendonca (2009) "The changing role of science in the innovation process: From Queen to Cinderella?," Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 76, pp.861-867

Caraca,Joao, Bengt-Ake Lundvall, Sandro Mendonca (2009) “The changing role of science in the innovation … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: イノベーション論, イノベーション論関連論文, 科学的発見によるイノベーション | コメントする

Fagerberg,Jan (2003) "Innovation: A Guide to the Literature," The Workshop: The Many Guises of Innovation: What we have learnt and where we are heading, Ottawa, October 23-24.2003

Fagerberg,Jan (2003) “Innovation: A Guide to the Literature,” The Workshop: The Many Guises of Inn … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: イノベーション論, イノベーション論関連論文, 文献案内 | コメントする

Dosi, Giovanni (1988) "Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation," Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXVI (September 1988), pp. 1120-1171

Dosi, Giovanni (1988) “Sources, Procedures, and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation,” Journal of E … 続きを読む

カテゴリー: Dosi, イノベーション論, イノベーション論関連論文, 文献案内 | 1件のコメント